Thursday 13 October 2011

Ooh, How Exciting!

My first ever blog post, this excites me! Clearly for me it’s the simple things in life which make me happy.

So, today I came back from visiting my sister at her uni in Portsmouth, I only went for the night with my friend Jo as it was the open day for the university and Jo's interested in going there. Considering the uni doesn't even do the course I want to do you would have thought I wouldn't have wanted to bother travelling all the way down there. But a night sleeping on her floor, hanging out with her flat mates and shopping the next day seemed like a much better idea for a Tuesday/Wednesday than the four lessons I would have attended at school. So I somehow managed to persuade my parents and packed my bags. 

Whilst "visiting the uni" aka shopping, I managed to pick up some bargains. Me being me, I’m not into spending a lot of money on not very many items. I think this is mainly down to my job. I work at a stables and do it for the love of the job, not the money as unfortunately there is very little of that coming my way at the end of a Saturday. I get enough though, it means I have an eye for bargains and am able to spend little money on quite a few items. So anyway, I snapped up these grey suede style leggings, which I think are going to be a favourite much loved item of mine, for £7.99. A floral scarf also for £7.99, both from H&M, and a burgundy baggy jersey top which was £16 but seeing as I had a £10 gift card, I figured that six pounds wasn't going to break the bank too much. And seems as it was from Topshop I couldn’t resist splashing the cash. (Ha!)

Having left Portsmouth and back in the comfort on my own home, I decided to try out a new nail art design. It was pretty easy to do and only took 15 minutes or so. 

I'm a massive fan of Barry M as they do amazing colours, it goes on really nicely and is affordable. So I started off by painting two coats of my base, for which I used 'Matte White'. After this had dried I painted the top half of my nail with 'Black Crackle' and filled in the tips with the 'Black'. I finished off with a top coat to give my nail some shine and viola! 
Well that's pretty much it for my first blog post, I'm off to grab some dinner and then out to zumba. bye! ox

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