I’m feeling so festive today! Don’t know if it’s because there’s only 19 days to go till Christmas or if seeing all the lights in Amersham on a recent Costa trip, but either way, I can’t wait. I always love London at Christmas time; the lights and atmosphere really entice me and makes me feel so Christmassy. A couple of weeks ago was the school’s annual Commeration service which also happened to be my last ever one. I think I’m in the 20% (at a push) who actually enjoys trekking up to London in the cold, having to wear formal dress and singing a load of hymns in the St. Clement Danes church. Also, sixth formers are allowed to stay in London after the service and don’t have to get the school coach back. Probably due to this decreasing the cost for the school HA! So in true sophisticated style, 17 of us rocked up to the nearest pizza hut to spend a whole £6.99 on the all you can eat buffet (another reason why commem appeals to me). Eventually having found pizza hut we walked in and asked pretty casually for a table for 17. The waitress asked what the name was, to which I replied ‘we haven’t booked.’ She sort of did a double take at this and then went to speak to her college to see if they could possibly squeeze a table of 17 into the already crowded restaurant. Whilst they were contemplating weather they had room for us, we looked out of the window to see another group of sixth formers walk past, stop, look and shake their heads. Obviously trying to decide on another place to eat. Having just all eaten our body weight in pizza; we decided it was a really good idea to go Boris biking round Hyde Park. This is actually much harder than it sounds as we weren’t allowed on the pavement which meant tackling the London roads. Think I pushed more than I rode! We then went on to Tower Bridge where we went on the bumper cars by the aquarium and then walked down embankment, spending a good 45 minutes watching all the hot skateboarders skate…

Hyde Park Me and Jo
Cheeky Bit of Litchfaktor
Big Ben/Houses of Parliment
Me and Helen on the Bumper Cars
Love This <3 The Girls
Me, Lizzy and Becca
Absolutely Love London At Night!
Due to commem, we then had the Monday off, so our sixth form social was held on the Sunday at a local golf club. I actually had a lot more fun than I thought I would. Even if the boy I have taken to stalking in the year below didn’t attend… I’m not sure how impressed the golf club were with us though and I’m pretty sure vomit on the patio, loads of drunk people and poo up one of the toilet walls gives off a pretty bad impression about the school.
The Girls<3 Danni, Tori, Me, Rach, Emmy
Me and Rachel
Me and Sophie
Looking slightly worse for wear once we had got home...
Last weekend we had another party for a boy in our year. It was on the Friday night and the fact that I was working at half seven Saturday morning didn’t seem to put me off drinking my body weight in Lambrini and generally being a drunken state. At one point the bouncers tried to chuck me and Rachel out, but with quick thinking, we told them we were sober and said they must be after some other girl who coincidently was throwing up in the toilets and was then put in the ‘sober zone’ for the rest of the night! Whoops!
The Girls...AGAIN
Me and Tori
Danni, Me and Naomi
Tomorrow I have decided rather spontaneously that I am going to get my nose pierced. My parents don’t want me to at all and dad even went as far to say that he wouldn’t leave me any of his savings in his will if I got it done. However he then proceeded to tell me he only had 45p in his savings, and divided by four that’s about 11p. So hello nose piercing! HA!
Anyway, I’m just going to have a quick little moan about this ridiculously cold weather. The moment I get home from school, I’m straight into my onesie and tucked up in bed. I DON’T DO COLD! However it shows it is definitely Christmas, which I love! Cannot wait for the big day to arrive! We put up our Christmas tree yesterday and as tradition goes, you have to do it with a glass (or three) of Baileys. Although Baileys affects me pretty quickly which was far from ideal as I had spinning class to attend an hour later and was feeling pretty light headed by the time I got to the gym. Always good!
So that’s about it for now, I’m currently about to have a nap after a hard day of TWO WHOLE LESSONS, two uni offers from Lincoln and Chichester and a text from the Chlamydia test centre telling me ‘All is well’ Hallelujah!